Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blizzard Conditions Here In West Lafayette at 2:26 a.m.

Thanks to Pete Warpo of Delphi

Wow! I did not even see it snow this hard during the blizzard of 2007. We are now up to 5.9 inches of snow with .60 inches of snow in the last 30 minutes. Speaking of blizzards we have blizzard conditions here at WLFI. It is tough to see across the street and wing gusts near 35 mph. I tried to take a digital picture, but all you see is white! We did have thunder reported in Williamsport close to 12:30 a.m. and it lasted on and off for about 5 minutes. Grant County Emergency Management just reported thunder at 2:15 a.m.are actually tracking cells on radar like we would during the summer. This storm is worth staying up all night for! Here are a few pictures of the snow picking up across our area.

Thanks to Michelle Corwin in Lafayette

Thanks to Ron Carr State Street and State Road 26

It looks like a ghost town out there tonight and the snow makes everything very quiet as it is known for absorbing sound. This is one of the many reasons I love snow! It is peaceful out there tonight. The roads around the area are treacherous not only because of the blowing and drifting snow developing but because of the icy mix we had earlier. If you do not have to travel this morning it is probably a good idea not to even if you have 4 wheel drive. The wolves at Wolf Park certainly love this weather and had a "White Christmas" celebration today with good food and even a Christmas tree.

Thanks to Monty Sloan at Wolf Park

That is right it would not be a real snowstorm without Monty's wolf pictures. I am glad I was not the only one howling with joy today and tonight when the snow finally picked up.


Anonymous said...

Im staying up all night with ya Mike!

Moved here from California a year ago and I've never seen snow in my life. I guess this is a good "FIRST" timer.

BTW. The Pictures arent showing up.

Anonymous said...

Ya we are here with ya too Mike, tracking the storm on GRlevel3...and helping you to keep an eye on the lighting trackers too...I hope all the naysayers have fun shoveling thier cars out in the morning...Keep us posted ono the models for more accumulation...from what I can tell there is at least 6-8 more inches up in the clouds ;)

Anonymous said...

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! I love it!

Anonymous said...

So why does it definitely look like the snow is diminishing southwest and in illinois? I thought this thing was supposed to intensify as the night progressed??...

Anonymous said...

There's still snow coming up from the south,will get heavy again after 4am for awhile,the reason why the snow is getting smaller to the sw is because a costal storm is forming and taking the energy away from this storm.

Anonymous said...

ok Mike, it's 600, how about an update?

Anonymous said...

How about a snow emergency !!