Well it was a nice couple of quiet weeks while it lasted but some of my big dog models are telling me at least 1 to 2 inches of rain is on the way and maybe more. I will delve deeper into this tonight on the news. Happy St. Patrick's Day and for a holiday known for big storm systems I guess it is fitting that we will be tracking one together.
Congratulations to Purdue on their tournament bid! They are not the only ones heading to Washington, D.C. I am down to my final two weeks of training for the national marathon. Now it is time to do a speed run. I will have Philbera updates tonight on the news and here on the blog. The main threat will be more significant flooding around the area. I do not see it as bad as the first two major floods this year, but we still need to take notice. I will not only be running, but talking to emergency management officials and the state hydrologist. See you soon and have a great day!
Congratulations to Purdue on their tournament bid! They are not the only ones heading to Washington, D.C. I am down to my final two weeks of training for the national marathon. Now it is time to do a speed run. I will have Philbera updates tonight on the news and here on the blog. The main threat will be more significant flooding around the area. I do not see it as bad as the first two major floods this year, but we still need to take notice. I will not only be running, but talking to emergency management officials and the state hydrologist. See you soon and have a great day!
Here is the latest forecast as of 9 p.m. on Tuesday evening. I think lowland flooding will be an issue and river flooding by Thursday and Friday on the Wabash. I still think we can dodge most of the significant or major flooding based on the latest models pushing a front through the area by tomorrow evening. As long as this front keeps on moving we should be able to breathe a sigh of relief. You can say as of right now we have a little luck of the Irish on St. Patrick's night.
Thanks, Mike...we know you will keep watch for us! We are all scared of those words--FLOODING rains.
Mary Anne in Remington
I just got home from work and it was sleeting! how can that be when the temp is 43? Its unreal that we can get the rain amounts that are forcasted, I am worried, keep us posted Mike, Bless all that are in the flood area! my prayers are with you, and for all!
Mary Anne,
Be safe, I have read your writings on this blog, and appericate what you have to say, my heart goes out to you. Take care.
Teri in Lafayette
Thanks for the update - we also received some sleet in West Lafayette. My heart just breaks that we have heavy rains (meaning FLOODING) to contend with yet again. I still have not got myself situtated from the February floods - and it feels like I may have to evacuate for the 3rd time this year (if the hydrology forecasts are off - as they were the previous 2 floods).
I will be watching tonight - thank you for keeping us all posted!
River Lover
Is the temperature going to rise overnight? You have a high of 58* for today and I think it only got up to around 40* or so, maybe a bit higher? I was also concerned about the sleet earlier! I will never get used to this Indiana weather! Thanks for the updates Mike! Let us know if any thunderstorms are on the way tomorrow and Wednesday as the weather changes.
I wonder about the temp as well, around an hour ago the temp was around 43 now it has dropped down to 37.2! Is that due to the wind? Strange weather!
Loud thunder in Independence a few minutes ago...but no real rain...just sprinkles.
We heard the thunder in Lafayette, although not loud, looks really dark your way. Just sprinkles here too! It is starting to thunder again!
Thank you Teri for your kind words. I hope you see this post. We are all in the same "boat" (SORRY), so to speak, with the fear of heavy rain. While I was not put out of my home I saw it literally all around me and my heart breaks for all who suffered the effects of the flooding.
Thanks again~
Mary Anne
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