Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Day to Remember Our Heroes As Ike Bears Down on Texas

McCutcheon high school students remembered 9/11 with a special flag tribute that included dozens of flags waving around in their trucks.

Even with a major hurricane about to hit Texas the weather is still more of an afterthought on a day like today. It certainly is a day to reflect about just how lucky we are to be Americans. We remember the victims of 9/11, the heroes of 9/11, and those heroes in our daily lives that help us to enjoy our freedom. This includes our military heroes serving our country and helping other countries all over the world. Some would rather us just keep to ourselves and not get involved in other conflicts far from home. Is this the American way? As leader of the free world we have always carried a heavier burden. Both of my grandfathers served in World War 2 and explained to me how being an American means to not be a follower but a true leader to help ensure liberty and freedom not only here at home but all over the world. Freedom is certainly not free and should never be taken for granted. To those that have tried to end the "American dream" like we saw in New York City and my hometown Washington, D.C. I can tell you they have failed miserably. Seven years later we are stronger than ever and more determined to be defenders and protectors of freedom. Today this is more true than ever and is something we can surely be proud of. We cannot thank those enough that have sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom. I do think the founders of this country would be proud and the American spirit lives on thanks to our strong foundation, today's heroes, and our kids that will be ready to carry on as the next generation of heroes. I saw plenty of future heroes at Glen Acres Elementary School today at the "Read with a Hero" program.

I had a great time reading to fourth graders in Mrs. Piggott's class. We even had a nice patriotic parade down the hallways and around the school. You can see the star-filled banner above. Of course I read a tornado chaser book to them and we also talked about Hurricane Ike and how it will bring us rain here at home by late Sunday into Monday. The kids have a bright future whatever they choose to be. They have a great teacher and by working hard in school it should provide many opportunities for them in the future. They were my heroes today!

Not only were the kids terrific, it was also great to honor our community's police, firefighters, military, health care providers, and our politicians that serve our community each and every day. I was very impressed by Anita Wood's tribute. She wrote and sang beautiful songs that really helped to sum up the day. Out of all the school talks I have done this day will surely always be remembered by me. It was very special. Thank you Glen Acres!

I mowed my lawn after the emotional tribute this morning and just in time. Take a look at the mackeral sky. What does this mean? Check back for more including how much rain is on the way. I will see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Isn't mackeral sky an omen of good weather?

Bless all our heros! :)

We had a really light few rain drop's but that is about it.

Justin in Lafayette.

Anonymous said...

I've heard " Mackerel in the sky, three days dry " before...but I don't think that will be our care in Indiana.

Yeah, same thing here Justin...just a few drops.

Anonymous said...


We've got a light but steady shower in Monticello right now. The air has now turned more muggy and humid.

Anonymous said...

Yep Brow we just got a really quick burst of rain I picked up

Justin in Lafayette.

Anonymous said...

A day in history we will always remember. It is a day when all of us remember where we were when the horrific news took over our TV, and our horrified minds for weeks.

Well, we got just .02 rain from what fell earlier, and from the forecast I think i am thankful that is ALL we got! I watch more rain coming in from central IL.

Take care everyone! Pray for those folks on the Gulf Coast!

MA in Remington