Monday, October 29, 2007

A Happy Homecoming & Finish to October

It may have been a cloudy day, but as expected it did not rain and my daughters and wife above all had a great time at Ross-Ade Stadium! One of the many reasons that this is a great place to live are these wonderful autumn weekends full of great Big Ten football. It was a Happy Homecoming that included Neal Armstrong on hand to help lead the "You Make Me Want to Shout" song at the end of the 3rd quarter. It is not every day that you can say you got to hang out at the stadium and sing with the first man on the moon. To cap off a great afternoon, I had all of my girls with me as you can see. They are on "fall break" and I think they really enjoyed staying in town and going to the game. Their favorite part of the experience was of course the famous Purdue Marching band.

The World's Largest Drum made its way into the stadium with about 500 alumni from the Purdue Marching Band. It was a sight to behold. The alumni band included our very own videographer from TV-18, Nathan Caldwell. They certainly had us "rocking around the clock" at halftime and would have made the Comets proud. The icing on the cake was that Purdue came back to win 35-17 over Northwestern scoring the last 21 points of the game in the last two quarters. They are not just "bowl eligible". The question is will the Boilers be playing on New Year's Day. I think if they win 2 of their last 3 games, they without question should expect to bring in New Year's Day with a big bowl victory.

Thanks to: Elizabeth Johnston

Here is what it looked like in Flora over the weekend. It looked like it snowed overnight. Of course it did not, but that was some thick frost. We had our first frost and freeze of the season as forecast both Saturday and Sunday nights. It came 15 days later than last year. It was not too far away from the all-time latest freeze on record in Lafayette which was set on November 13, 1946. This time of year is known for its ups and downs so it does look like things will in fact rebound very quickly. Make sure to tune in for this tonight and I will tell you why "lifeguard" costumes will be in this year for Halloween.

Blog Question of the Day: When is our first chance of snow?

It still does look like our first snow will be the second week of November. Now I am not guaranteeing any accumulations at this point, but I do expect our first snowflake sightings between November 9th and 12th with a huge dip in the polar jet stream moving our way. Temperatures in Canada are falling quickly with our shorter days and it is helping a mighty hefty polar air mass to build. So you may want to enjoy our highs near 70 the next couple of days while you can. We will also take a close look at your trick or treat forecast tomorrow on the blog and a golden shovel contest you will not want to miss on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, for one, will go way out on a limb here and say it will NOT snow between the 9th and 12th of November! Nothing against your forecasting, Mike since you are right on---BUT...I have seen way too many systmes fizzle out upon reaching our area the past two years. We shall see :-)
Mary Anne