Tuesday, July 17, 2007

As Fair Season Kicks into High Gear, Nature Goes Hog Wild!

It was a wild wake-up call this morning. We had big crashes of thunder in Lafayette and even lost power for awhile on the southside. It is only the beginning of a soggy pattern. It is pretty amazing we are going from drought-like conditions to a deluge of rain almost in a heartbeat. Although all true Hoosiers know that come fair time nature really starts to kick the storm season in high gear along with the heat and humidity! Nature literally pigs out on all the heat and humidity and builds huge towering clouds that form storms.

Farmers are in hog heaven today with some reports coming in at over a half-inch. You can see Austin McCoy's hog from the Clinton County fair that I got to meet on Friday up above. Austin did a great job explaining to me what not to do in the Tippecanoe County Fair Kiss the Pig Contest. You never want to kiss a pig's snout or ears. I was told to kiss their shoulder so I do not get nipped. The reason I need this advice is I am participating in the Kiss the Pig contest. My goal is to raise as much money for all the 4H'ers as possible. The winner gets the honor of kissing a pig. So please help out and fill my jar if you see it at the fair and around town. I will do what it takes for the kids that work so hard year in and year out in 4H and in school. Thanks again Austin. He also taught me pigs eat ice cream, believe it or not. Here is a picture of Austin and I by the WLFI TV-18 mobile in Clinton County. I look forward to meeting more of you out at the White County Fair this week and Tippecanoe and Benton County Fairs next week. Just look for the TV-18 logo. We appreciate all our viewers and it will finally be great to meet you face to face. We can talk all about our crazy weather!

It makes sense why nature takes goes hog wild this time of year. We are now in our hottest part of the year which runs from now through early August. There is plenty of humidity to feed developing thunderstorms and it is so sauna-like this time of year we even can wake up to big storms at night or early in the morning. Here is the latest forecast for rainfall this week! Keep in mind there will be some locally heavier amounts.

Some portions of Iowa had about an inch of rain in 35 minutes with some areas already receiving 3 to 5 inches of rain. We will have to watch this closely here at home. Flood watches are already in effect for Newton, Jasper, and Benton County. Even though it has been so dry, the rock hard ground combined with training thunderstorms can cause flash flooding in a hurry. The water will simply runoff and have nowhere to go.

I will explain more on this and another unique kind of thunderstorm formations called mesoscale convective systems that will impact our area. Remember even though we have not had any severe weather reports we are going to have to stay alert for strong storms at almost any time of day or night through at least Thursday. The main threats will continue to be flooding, damaging wind, and large hail. Also, remember your lightning safety rules, especially with all the fair-goers out there. More on this will be posted on the blog the next couple of days and of course I will have all of your rainfall amounts. Send in pictures and send stories of how much you missed the rain. I will be glad to post them here. I will see you soon! Have a great day!

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