Thursday, May 8, 2008

We Dodge Flooding This Time Around, But Watch Out Next Week

It is good to check in with you. I am running a bit oldest daughter is going camping with Mom tonight on a school field trip, so I am Mr. Mom with my other kids. I went Mother's Day shopping, and made sure to send Mom's card out, I worked most of last night on a charity fund-raiser that will help raise money for the flood victims of this past winter, I was then whipped into shape at Mel's Body Pump Class. I can barely move my arms but a little pain now will pay its dividends later on. You think I am busy....the latest weather maps are going nuts. We will track at least 3 storms together tonight. Our first one (yet to officially be named) gives way to another one by late tomorrow and tomorrow evening. Mother's Day will bring storm number three so make sure to make Mom's day bright in your own way. Nature certainly is not helping.

Help me catch up and name today's storm...this after all is as much your blog as mine and I will post much more on your summer outlook of 2008. Today's weather is a definite warning sign for our summer....COOLER AND WETTER. It may be ugly outside but we dodged the flooding and severe weather. I will post some rainfall totals here shortly and some storm names with your help. Thanks a lot! Now help me move my arms to get out of this chair!

Another tidbit which I will post tomorrow along with the hurricane forecast: We may not be done with frosty weather! NO HEAVY PLANTING ON SATURDAY....please!

I can be dramatic but this time I really am serious. I will see you soon, I am getting my third wind.


Anonymous said...

I like the name Rio for my yard and basement will look like a river if we get too much rain

Rachael in Lafayette

Anonymous said...

What about just Raine,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What about Ryan.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Brell? shortened form of "umbrella".

Teri in Lafayette

Anonymous said...

Maybe Rio for the next storms that are coming our way!

Rachael in Lafayette

Anonymous said...

I think Colin