Two tornadoes were on the ground last night at the same time in Osage, Oklahoma. These twin sister tornadoes are also called multi-vortex tornadoes. They tend to spin around one another much like horses on a carousel ride. In all 17 reports of tornadoes hit on Thursday, 6 wind reports, and 97 hail reports. Here in Lafayette the big question is what can we expect at home. I do think we will have our highest severe weather threat of the season. It is hard to believe we have not had any severe weather reports this season so far so we are long overdue. I think the biggest threat of tornadoes will be south of Interstate 70 today and tonight. But north of Interstate 70 I think a straight-line wind threat and large hail could pound the area. This could all change if we break out into sunshine today. I will make sure to have the very latest for you here on the blog. I will have all the percentages for you and those all important severe weather indeces. It looks like the worst of the storms will be between 6 p.m. tonight and midnight. Here is an interesting stat for you in the meantime.
You see the Dayton tornado above and it was only 1 of count them 17 tornadoes we have had in our viewing are just in the month of May over the past four years. So keep your guard up and hopefully we can keep those tornadoes and damaging storms away. I will keep you posted and when things settle down later on I will have the latest mini-marathon forecast which my beautiful wife is taking part in . I will also have the answer to this blog question of the day dealing with a meteor shower.
Hello Mr. Prangley, We enjoy your weather forecasting and all your work to make learning about weather fun. My class is studying the solar system and I saw online that there is a meteor shower scheduled for May 5th. Do you know if it's going to be a good night for viewing and if Lafayette will even be able to observe it?
Thanks for any help you can give us, Mrs. Tilley's 3rd Grade class at Mintonye Elementary
I wonder why SPC just cut half of it's moderate risk off? They are saying the air is stabilizing up this way and cloud cover will be wide-spread, but it's already 70 degrees at the airport at 9 a.m. with dew point in the upper 50's and climbing....AND...the sun is out and shining.
I don't like this setup.
I'm sitting here at 10:30 thinking the same thing. This just doesn't feel good at all.
Yep, my stomach is already starting to hurt with all my nerves going.
Update says that the main line of storms will push through around 5pm. Some of these storms could be severe.
I just want to be home with my family before all this starts...hate being at work with severe weather going on.
SPC just issued an MSD for our area... hail/high winds still noted as main threats, but tornadoes also possible. Watch "likely", with the action getting going by early/mid-afternoon.(oh, and our Golden Retrievers are starting to get antsy too!)
Watch out..can't tell if that means bad storms or earthquakes these days!
There are also blue skies and sunshine popping up over in Illinois and eastern Iowa now...after these two squal lines move through this afternoon I wonder if that will make its way here and heat things up for a few hours before dark. If it out! Could get some tornadic cells out ahead of the front before sunset, otherwise wind events with the lines.
There is a severe thunderstorm heading NE from Danville Ill. straight towards Lafayette right now. Will likely give us a warning.
LI's of -7 in N. Ill. right now and -10 in Iowa!! SPC already upgrading the tornado probabilities for those areas and watch out if that gets here before dark!
I wonder if they will put us in a watch box this afternoon. These storms that are coming are looking very dangerous for our area. I hope the kids make it home before some really bad storms it. Everyone please keep a look out for some bad weather.
Good news on the severe thunderstorm as it basically fell apart so shouldn't be any warnings here.
BUT...the second squal line west of us is disappearing and SPC has cancelled their MSD for most of Indiana. It looks like our threat of storms for the middle of the afternoon is disappearing, but this could make things more severe later I think.
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