Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blog Update on the Way By 1:15 a.m. Remember it will be like a Marathon

Hello...I am still awake and checking out the latest runs for you...I will do a comparison of how far we have come since Friday...I think you will enjoy it...and how far we will go on snow tomorrow! :)

I wanted to thank all of you bloggers and most of all the great people that write in. I am really touched by a lot of your comments. You are first class and while it is officially called "Mike's weather blog" I wanted to make sure you knew that is successful because of you and I feed off of your energy as well. I will only take a little credit and give you most of the credit. I sit here reading in amazement at how lucky I am to have viewers like you and while I should be asleep and resting for the storm, I just get these bursts of energy thanks to you and sleep is the farthest thing from my mind. The music is cranking along with the maps! Current song on the radio: Kid Rock.... Unmistakeably yes!! I think that fits in this type of pattern with nature rocking a good portion of the country.

Just like when I run marathons I know to get in with a solid group that keeps a steady pace. That is you. You can hang with me or even run with me anytime. That would be quite a sight...all of the weather fanatics running down the Sagamore Parkway! I love what I do and really it is because of you. Yes, the weather part of course I have been crazy about since I was 4 years old when our sunny forecasts in Maryland turned into 6 inches of snow. But it is you that truly makes this job what it is and when I talk into the camera I just know that WLFI has the best viewers and weather fans on earth! I will try to force myself to get some rest before 2 a.m. so we can go full steam ahead tomorrow. BUT FOR NOW I AM PREPARING ANOTHER BLOG UPDATE! :)

Remember it will be like a marathon and we all have to pace ourselves....tonight I see very little snow and the roads should be fine in the morning....after 4 p.m. tomorrow things will quickly go downhill.



Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! So glad to hear from you....we are in a marathon, aren't we....I will keep up as long as I can....

Chris in Tipton

Anonymous said...

Mike we feel the same about you! ;)

I'M working on another quick Cast as well got to get it done! ;)

My dad will be going up to Chicago today so I have to get that forecast done for him!

I'll chech back soon.


Anonymous said...

1:15 is better than 12:45.....I want to hear what you have to say! Will take a quick shower...then back here!

C in T

Anonymous said...

I have said before that we are lucky to have good forecasters....and even luckier to KEEP them. You are earning your bricks in heaven....just don't ever leave!

Chris in Tipton

Anonymous said...

Mike hope you can keep up with my 3mph pace....lol


Anonymous said...

If it were not for the blog update coming....I would be heading to bed.. TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE A BIG DAY!! Chances are....when I read the update, I will be stoked, and up til 3!

C in T

Anonymous said...

1:15....rapidly approaching!!!

C in T

Anonymous said...

I think you ought to name this storm Caprice, meanining whimsical and unpredictabile.


Anonymous said...

Im here all night...I love this stuff !! It's funny how "snow on the way" gets the juices flowing.

Great Job Mike.

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Mike -- my husband and I were just talking tonight that your enthusiasm is just the best! Thanks for making the weather so fun!

Anonymous said...

anyone see the 1:15 update yet? i wont let myself fall asleep until i see it!!!

Anonymous said...

NO Darn it!!! I have to go to bed soon...have a full day of teaching little ones tomorrow.....and work after school..and WEATHER WATCHING AFTER THAT!

Chris in Tipton

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the best things in life are worth waiting for.....

C in T

Anonymous said...

the last paragraph the update Chris?


Anonymous said...

Right back at you Mike, we are lucky to have you!! I for one really appreciate your love of snow, not many people get as excited as all of us on here when we hear snow on the way. I think that's why a few people on here yesterday were a little upset, they wanted the snow so bad and they thought they were going to be disappointed. Hopefully you have some good news for us soon on the blog, can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

No- he posted that a while ago!

C in T

Anonymous said...

Hey all before I got a bit of the forecast done and again the models have moved north and are looking good for later on today with our 3" to 6" range and if we keep on this track we can add later for now I thing Mikes 3" to 5" and my 3" to 6" are holding fine!


Anonymous said...

I think WLFI should make a T-Shirt saying "Weather with the Prang Gang 2009"


Anonymous said...

Any other suggstions?


katkandy said...

Dear Mike, You are like the icing on the cake with your love for weather and keeping us all pumped up...I love the idea of WLFI making a t-shit with: Weather with the Prang Gang on it or even Prang Weather Gang...