It was an auspicious start to school weatherwise and otherwise for TSC kids this morning. I am so proud of all my daughters and a big thank you to my wife who keeps all of us in our family on track. Not bad for a middle child! But seriously I would also like to exend a Happy Middle Child's Day wish and peace branch to Julie. I have tried my best with her to get the kids to bed earlier over the last few days. I slipped up a little with a father-daughter Freaky Friday party the other night. It really was a funny movie and the popcorn was good. The girls do have me wrapped around their fingers. But it was not the best of ideas and I will be stronger next time. You live and learn. The good news is the girls got up this morning just fine and Megan you see above on the left is now in middle school which is nothing short of shocking. Our Abbey on the right has already written her new teacher a letter. Now I was always close to my teachers but this is taking it to a new level. My youngest daughter Lauren wanted to get on the bus with them this morning and I am convinced she is already at a first grade level thanks to her smart older sisters. She would have done just fine. For now I am just trying to enjoy our time together becaue that day is coming and coming too soon!
A big thank you to our neighbor Jesse who had doughnuts and orange juice at her house this morning for all the kids in the neighborhood for thier big day. It has become a tradition. The other good news was that we only had a little patchy fog to the tree tops and for the most part the cars passing the kids at the bus stop did slow down and stayed alert. I witnessed a kid that ran right in front of an oncoming car and it was scary. The good news is that it had a happy ending because the car was going nice and slow and paying attention.
With school starting up tomorrow on the West side this is another good reminder to allow extra time to get to work. The weather looks great once again on Wednesday but that is not enough. Please watch for kids that dart so drive smart and look closely for buses that go and stop frequently and allow plenty of spacing. It can literally save a life.
Now speaking of kids I had a nice chat at the bus stop this morning with many of them before they got on the bus about when their first snow day will be. This unusually cool August pattern that has brought frost to parts of Minnesota and the coolest daytime highs since 1882 to Upstate New York is a sign of things to come for our autumn and winter. Here in Lafayette we have not set any records but lows reached the upper 40s in Crawfordsville. So you can make the case that it is one of our chilliest weather patterns in August since 1989 here in Indiana. I will post more on this here on the blog and have more on this tonight on the news. I do not think we need any folklore for this forecast. I will just have the cold hard facts. Man, this house is quiet. I better go sing a song with Lauren.
Hey Mike talking about cool temps I was looking at a REC high set back in 1995 on this very day of 96* But looking at the week ahead I don't see us hitting that mark anytime soon! :) Which is cool with me.
Justin in Lafayette.
Great blog entry today Mike! I have 3 daughters also (and 1 son), 2 of whom were off to school today. So exciting! It is nice to know that although you are on tv, you are a "real person" too. Hope everyone had a great day, and I am looking forward to your winter preditions.
Mike...what fun to share with your family the first day of school for your two oldest daughters. Take it from an old grandma...they grow up so quickly! Thankfully you are taking thet time to enjoy your kids as they grow. Bravo for having Daddy Days with them! It is obvious your family is very precious to you and Julie.
I am so enjoying this unusual August wx. it makes up for that ungodly hot summer last year that I thought would NEVER end!
Once again, thanks for this blog, and the WLFI team.
Mary Anne in Rem
Great forecast tonight mike.
So If we are going to have a weak El-Nino this winter how bad is it looking for a white christmas this year? For the past few years we have not seen a white christmas here in our viewing area!
Is it still a little to early to tell or do you have an idea? :)
Thanks Mike for all you do WLFI and everyone!!!!!
Justin in Lafayette.
I posted this early this morning, hope all from the schools saw, many school employees read this blog, and count on it:)
Beautiful cool morning for the fist day of school for TSC, does feel and smell like fall, fresh crisp air.
LSC starts back to school next Monday, so my summer break is over back to work for me!
It's been an interesing summer wx wise to say the least.
I will miss this blog, and checking in with all of you great bloggers,during bad weather.
Well we can always hope for snow days! Kidding:) I was here with all of you last winter though.
For LSC students, faculty and staff enjoy your week! TSC friends hope you had a wonderful first day back!
Same for all of you terrific bloggers:)
We wil miss you here, Teri! have a wonderful school year :--)
Thanks for sharing your family's first day of school memories, as someone else mentioned, we all love that you are a "real" person too!
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