Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Record Highs Smashed to Smitherines by Record-Breaking Midwest Storm

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 11 a.m.

I have been on the phone and social media catching up with folks in the Midwest this morning. Here is a picture texted to me of some TV images out of Indianapolis. You can see siding and shingle damage to homes after some gusts hit an incredible 90 mph, especially near Greenfield. This is one of the strongest storms ever on record in a region known for its wild weather. Yes, this storm has opened many eyes this morning. The good news is my old birch tree in Lafayette, Indiana is okay and more importantly all of my friends. This storm will also get our attention here at home and has lower pressures than not only Hurricane Lisa, but Hurricanes Paula and Richard to put it all in perspective for you. This is our weathermaker over the next several days here in Florida and Georgia. Not only will it help break record highs but it may bring in some more needed rain before a big weekend cool down. I will check back in later with you today with more on a historic day in the world of meteorology. I will be singing Gordon Lightfoot on the way to work today....yes the Edmund Fitzgerald...this storm is even bigger than that behemoth of a storm...make it a great day and remember to expect the best of others and give that little extra that really does make a big difference! Stay cool!!

The picture above is my wife Julie who got caught in that downpour here in St.Johns last night on her power walk with friends. Usually I get in trouble when that sort of thing happens...but it had been nearly 4 weeks without a drop of rain and she loved it....after I got her a towel!! LOL...although I may be in trouble after posting this picture it really does prove that we HAD RAIN LAST NIGHT as forecasted. Join me tonight at 5,5:30, 6, 7 and 11 for more on Live Doppler. I do think more rain is on the way and we need it! Thanks Julie for being my better half. I love you!!

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