It was quite a rude awakening for many this morning. We went to sleep feeling pretty good with little wind and temperatures hovering near 20. This morning we wake up to wind chills near 10 below with blowing and drifting snow. We have about an inch of snow in Lafayette and with gusty northwest winds of 20 to 30 mph there is plenty of blowing and drifting snow. Look for the snow to taper off by 10 a.m. across much of the area and if you are traveling toward Indianapolis keep in mind there is a lot more snow down there with close to three inches expected and it will likely not let up until closer to noon. If you have any flights out of the Capital City make sure to leave nice and early. The wind will not let up until tomorrow afternoon so despite a break in the snow on the way road conditions will remain slick. Temperatures will also make the road salt less effective as they stay stuck in the teens.
Another band of lake-effect snow will develop by later this afternoon and tonight. This means if you are traveling tonight the farther north and northwest you go the worse the traveling conditions and the more snow you will see. Make sure to tune in for the latest on our ever-changing weather conditions and how much more snow is on the way. Be safe.
Another band of lake-effect snow will develop by later this afternoon and tonight. This means if you are traveling tonight the farther north and northwest you go the worse the traveling conditions and the more snow you will see. Make sure to tune in for the latest on our ever-changing weather conditions and how much more snow is on the way. Be safe.
I have one inch on the nose here in Lafayette and blowing and drifting snow has been a problem this whole time!
I also have a Four inch snow dirft outside if that helps! ;)
We are up to an inch and a half of new snow here....and the winds are really blowing the new snow around! I think that fog may also be a problem into the afternoon.
Chris in Tipton
Indianapolis is really ugly travel right now. My husband went from Lafayette and it took over 2 hrs. They are getting lots of snow this morning
Hey WIlliam or Mary anne how much snowfall did you all end up with?
I have one inch and a four inch snow drift!
Maybe 1/2"-3/4 I could not get an accurate number. The winds were terrible this morning.
Yes they where also watch for some icy spots for my Mother was out and sliped! She is ok but still it is slick!
We got right at 3" of snow....winds are blowing snow all over the place. HORRIBLE traveling conditions.
Chris in Tipton
Yes, I turned in .5 this morning to CoCoRaHS. It is definitely blowing around with a pretty heavy squall around 3:00 p.m.
Justin did you give up reporting to CoCo? I don't see your reporting station anymore. They really need and want people to report in. If anyone else is interested in reporting rain/snow totals on a daily basis via computer ask me how to get started> I think William here in Rem also reports.
Yes MA,
I try to report when I can sometimes it does not happen. COCORAH's rocks.
It is snowing/blowing again in Rensselaer. The sun comes and goes.
Unless something changes I don't see remington getting much out of this. Althogh it could blow down there with the winds.
Was not a fun drive into work this morning. Just had to take it slow!
Was amazing watching the snow blowig all around from the
3rd floor of a building. Very pretty though.
Richard, I love the photo of the eagle! Beautiful birds, hope to see more:)
Like Justin stated, be careful for it is slick.
Justin glad to hear your Mother is okay! I spoke with many today whe were caught off guard today and had fallen...
Teri in Laf.
Thanks Teri! She is fine!
Mary Anne I did report this morning! I try to report as much as possible! Did not report for the past few days! I have been busy!
Yes they are always looking for more people! And I like to go on there and ready other reports! I chack out yours a lot mary anne!
I would like to know how to get started...
i have a question to you wonderfull bloggers and iam to embarrased to ask to anyone else that knows me. i know this is a weather blog so please forgive me. i have a dog, and when i let him outside he has this habit of going out and eating his own frozen feces. i know this is disgusting, is this normal or is something seriously wromg with him i will apreciate any help you are able to provide
Not an uncommon problem, could be many reasons for your dog eating his own stool. I would consult your vet. Parisites or nutrition could be part of the cause. there used to be a product you could put on the food to make the stool taste bad:)Alot of info on line as well.. Good Luck...My dogs have done the same but they were pups and grew out of it... loved the puppy kisses LOL!
At this time, light flurries in Rochester. I am hoping the lake-effect band does not shift east until late tomorrow morning. That way, we should all be at school before the roads get too bad.
I have a question. I see where some of you have posted that your are receiving snow at this time. Is that system or lake effect snow? If it is lake-effect, then it is a strong band of it.
Looks like the snow is going to miss tipp co. fingers crossed
yep a strong band of lake effect snow..looks like its moving SE
Thanks for reply.
Snowing presently in Frankfort...Hoping it sticks around for a while. I could really do without the rain in the forcast this weekend...How about some more snow!!! LOL!!!
Lanna in Frankfort
No snow in Lafayette, just a few stray flurries,,,however Mike warns all to be ready for later this evening.
Ty Teri!!! I believe more is to come.
snowing good here in monticello,,,,whoohoo !!!
and here is the link to CoCoRaHS:
also, get in touch with your county extension agent who has the equipment for you along with a short FREE training session:
All of the insturments for measuring are free! It is fun and doesn't take all that much time each day. I have been trying to get someone from BENTON COUNTY to sign up. I don't think there are any who report from there.
MA in REM (still blowing snow))
you guys seem to get all the fun... nothing in tippecanoe county:-(
Good for you, Justin! I have not seen your report there but will keep an eye out for it. That will keep you reporting, LOL! You are SO good to keep up measurements, etc for the blog!
MA in you know where!
no snow no wind nothing but cold in Laf....looks like it might miss us
LOL yep Mary Anne! I will have to keep posting now that I know you will be looking for it! lol.....
Getting pretty windy here in White Co also!!!!
A little windy in Laf. no snow.. looks like you guys are in for it and Laf. will luck out, :-((
How is Brow doing??? he has not been here for sometime. We miss our reg blogger friends, and worry when they dont post. That is what makes this blog so wonderful!
Snowing and blowing at Kingman.
Hey the snow is crunchy in Laff, and freezing cold with the wind..dogs are limping when they go out..only more cold to come!!!! Yuck
Hey Ma I live in Benton Co just outside of Otterbein. I wouldn't mind getting started on the reporting, but don't know how benificial it would be since only about 2 miles from Tippi line
Major blowing and drifting snow here in Monticello. White out conditions at times. I was just sitting at the Junior High and the parking lot looked like we were having a blizzard!
ya all are so lucky nothin in tipp co..baaaa
so Justin, is this to hit tipp co?? what are your thoughts?
Well it is mostly lake effect snow showers and by looking at the radars it seems to be staying over around Northern Jasper county and also around Logansport and Monticello. I think Lafayette could see a few snow flurries but nothing big! We will have to watch the blowing and drifting snow for a while tonight and early morning.
I think the main areas to see the heaver snow showers will be up north around Valparaiso, and even Winamac.
Thanks Justin, going to get some sleep and hope for no surprise like this morning.
Will Tippecanoe County have blowing snow problems tonight or in the morning?
I think blowing and drifting snow could be a problem tonight as winds will be between 15 and 20 mph with some gusts to 25 mph.
Tomorrow morning winds between 10 and 15 mph maybe a few gusts to 20 mph. So blowing and drifting snow tonight and at the least through the morning tomorrow! Maybe a little in the afternoon.
Nothing in Attica!!!
Please no delay TSC!!!!
Monticello has about 3 inches now and its blowing and drifting bad here even roads in town are drifting! 2 hour delay for schools.
Wow it's no where near that bad on the south side of LAF and we've picked up little additional snowfall. TSC better not delay.
A little late on the warning about Indy. I had a doctors appt there today and I can not believe how bad the roads were. I was stuck on I65 at Lebanon for a long long time while 2 wrecks were cleaned up. Luckily I still got to my appt. and luckily I didn't have to be anywhere near that horrible accident on I69.
Blowing and Drifting remain big issues here....lots of drifting on country roads....we also have gotten a couple of the lake effect snow bursts over here...
Chris in Tipton
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