Howl are y'all? It is a big night here at First Coast News. Send us in your best howl imitations. I will share them with you during my main weather. We have an official full moon alert tonight and the moon is officially 100% illuminated at 10:21:24 p.m. tonight. Check it out before the show. We have impeccable viewing conditions.
The full wolf moon is the name given to the January full moon by the native Americans. This was the time of year that wolves hungrily howled at the moon because they were hungry. Food was hard to come by with a thick snow pack that often times developed this time of year in most areas to our north. There are two pictures I am sharing with you above. The first picture shows you the parts of a moon. The second picture of the moon is exactly how it looked through our tower cam over Everbank Field tonight. You can see the moon is showing more of its western side but you can still pick out the sea of rains on its left side. Of course this is my favorite part of the moon created by a huge asteroid impact which was then quickly filled by lava. You can also see the sea of serenity, the sea of tranquility, and the sea of fertility from left to right on the upper part of the moon. The moon is nice and bright out there tonight and is 10 times brighter than it was just a week ago when it was in its first quarter phase. Send in some pictures so I can share them on the air and here on the blog. Hurry, we are running out of time before the big show.
We will also talk about the sea of tranquility to go with your weather pick of the week on Thursday. If that is not enough we will also take a look at the unusual La Nina pattern which will bring us more rain in the 7 day forecast. Will it be enough to break the drought? I will let you know. See you soon and I will check back with you here on the blog to post much more ASAP! Thank you.
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